17.5″ Custom Saddlery Icon Echo, Medium/Wide Tree (2020 Model)


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Seat is a 17.5″ flaps measure 16.5″ bar to bottom and the front gullet measures 5″-med/wide tree (adjustable).

2020 model. Upgraded vienna leather that is very “grippy”. The leather is so soft you can just about roll the flaps. Saddle has no tears, no prior name plate and no fading. The very bottom of the large flaps show very light boot rubs. Custom upgraded colored piping done in gray on billet keeper and the back cantle which is just beautiful. Custom Saddlery trees are adjustable by a certified Custom dealer so you can change this tree both more narrow or wider if you need to. These are also wool flocked so the flocking can be adjusted to best suit your horse. This has the hybrid panels.

*Included: Custom Saddle Cover