17.5″ Master (by Mike Corcoran), Medium Tree


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Seat is stamped 17.5″ flaps measure 16 1/4″ bar to bottom and the front gullet measures 5″-medium tree.

Elite leather makes for a “grippy” ride. Saddle is in fair condition and you can expect use. There are no tears and no loose stitching but the saddle does show fading in numerous spots. Due to this the saddle is heavily discounted. Saddle is wool flocked so the flocking can be adjusted to best suit your horse. This has felt covered panels which is a signature of Master saddles. Made in England by Mike Corcoran, David Boot & Lucy Batchelor. This has the front webbing under the flaps so you can have a saddler unhook a current billet and attach to that if you prefer a point billet instead depending on your preference. New these saddles retail at $5,200 and used the majority were between $2,300-$3,500 so this is quite the bargain