17″ CWD SE03 (Black), Medium Tree (2018 Model)


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Seat is stamped and measures 17″ flaps measure 14″ bar to bottom and 13.5″ across (2L standard flaps) the front gullet measures 4 1/2″- medium tree.

2018 MODEL. Hard to find Black color! Good for jumpers or cross country. Other than the name plate added it is in super nice condition. There are no tears, no rubs on the flaps, no seat seam wear. Upgraded calfskin leather ($800 value). The SE03 has the flatter seat. The leather is grippy and soft and the outer knee pads are thick so your knees sink right in. Front + back blocks under the flaps. This comes with brand new black 50″ CWD girth ($350 value). This saddle with the girth was over $7000 retail. It is very hard to find these in the black color so if this is what you have been looking for you can save yourself a lot of money.

* included: Red CWD Saddle Cover plus 50″ Black CWD Girth