17″ CWD SE37 Monoflap, Narrow Tree (2020 Model)


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Seat is stamped 17″ flaps measure 15″ bar to bottom (2XL standard flaps) the front gullet measures 4″-narrow tree.

2020 Model! Saddle is in lovely, well cared for condition. Upgraded colored piping (red piping). There are no tears, no seat seam wear and no loose stitching. There was never even a name plate put on. The leather has been well conditioned and is soft and “grippy”. Large exposed outer blocks. The small leather tag provides additional panel info show in picture. This should work for a horse with taller wither but since the front panels are nice and thin it will be good for a horse needing less padding and more room in shoulder. This lovely and rare saddle is priced to sell!

*Included: Red CWD Saddle Cover