18″ Albion Revelation Adjusta, Wide Tree (2016 Model)


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Seat is stamped 18″ flaps measure 16.5″ bar to bottom, the front gullet measures- 5 1/2″-wide tree (adjusta tree).

2016 MODEL. The Red Label is the higher end line of Albion saddles. This has the adjustable tree so a fitter can have the tree made wider or more narrow. Saddle has no tears, no cracking, no flap rubs, no rubs on the blocks and no loose stitching. Basic use you would expect on a used saddle. Wool flocked so the flocking can be adjusted to best fit your horse. Wide cutback pommel good for wider or longer withers to provide clearence. Monoflap in design. Beautiful, well cared for condition. Current retail price $7500.

* Included: Red Albion Saddle Cover