18″ Hulsebos WB4, Wide Tree (2018 Model)


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Seat is stamped 18″ flaps measure 17.5″ bar to bottom and the front gullet measures 5 1/2″- wide tree.

2018 model. Saddle is in very nice condition with no tears, no loose stitching, no cracking and no fading. There is a small bite mark out of the left side right on side of seat (see picture where pointing). Due to this small flaw that saddle has been discounted a few hundred extra. There was never even a name plate on. Panels are wool flocked so they can be adjusted to best fit your horse. The calfskin leather on this is so soft and supple you can just about roll the flaps. Thick back panels help the saddle lay flat.

* Included: Blue Saddle Cover